Cruel can feel uncomfortable. Cruel can test you. This summer of sunny portals and poverty. I didn't fold like a lawn chair. Rather, I reduced myself to doom scrolling and political play. Where I searched my soul. Opened my boundaries. To only be flooded with thoughts of transformation.
The soul is our compass for reasoning. Our soul guides the reasons we do anything. When you sell that away, you give in to others perceptions of you. Out of desperation or flawed traditions. We lose our reasoning skills. And settle for fitting in. Summa of '24 was a disrupter. Via social media. I engaged in topics both cringe and courageous. Melting stereotypes by exposing vulnerabilities. Presenting my political prowess. That was born in my youth. And also tainted my soul with the reasons why those we admire often fail our hearts. Leaving us to be toughened.
My soul battled this summer. Over my own shortcomings. Will succeed? Re-entering the labor force. After being laid off in the automotive industry, for six months. Qwo asking if we were poor because we hadn't spent enough leisure. My souls reasoning had me tossing at night. My agitation gave attitude and condoned petty spats with my lover.
Cruelty can challenge your souls identity. Making you question your morals and values. Cruel can lead to crash outs. The shifting society can be cruel. But our souls can be a ship that navigates us to who we were always meant to be.